Версия для слабовидящих
Perm State Agro-Technological University

Research Lines

Research Lines
Development and production of new medications and fertilizers (more than 150 new compounds with anti-fungal and medicinal properties; highly effective fertilizers and growth regulators)
Development of technologies in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine (Biologically proper feeding ration, preventive care, diagnostics and treatment of diseases in animals and birds)
Development and improvement of technologies in crop production (spring and autumn sown cereals, potato, girasol, rape plant, broad-leaved clover and eastern galega cultivation technologies)
Biotechnologies in crop production and animal husbandry (express methods of detecting fertility of pollen and ovules of leguminous crops; introduction to a culture in vitro and microclonal propagation; accelerated methods of salmonella separation from foods)
Development and improvement of the machinery and equipment in agriculture (technologies, machinery and equipment for processing high moisture grain piles; technologies and equipment for hydrolysis and extruding of winter rye)
Agriculture and agro-industrial complex economics and rural areas development 

Phone/Fax: +7 (342) 217-95-43
Address: 614990, Perm, Petropavlovskaia St., 23 E-mail: irc.psaa@gmail.com