Версия для слабовидящих
Perm State Agro-Technological University

General information



Brief description of Center’s activity

International Relations Center has been a subdivision of the Perm State Agro-Technological University for more than 10 years. The main aim of the Center is to develop international relations with foreign educational and scientific institutions, to establish permanent contacts with partner universities, to organize agricultural abroad internship for students of the University, to create favorable conditions for the development of academic mobility of teachers and students of the Perm State Agro-Technological University


The Center has the following main directions:

  • To represent the University at international meetings of different levels.
  • To coordinate plans for collaboration with partner universities and to develop partnerships with the University staff of these universities.
  • To develop plans for joint scientific, educational and training activities for students of Perm State Agro-Technological University and students from partner universities.
  • To coordinate and organize support of the structural units of the University for the implementation of scientific and educational programs of international cooperation.
  • To create and expand the database of international cooperation, including both data of Russian organizations promoting international relations and addresses of foreign institutions.
  • To implement facsimile, telephone and electronic communications of the international interests of the entire university.
  • To collect, systematize and disseminate information on international educational and scientific programs.
  • To carry out promotional work with students (on faculty) about involvement into international programs and dissemination of the results of collaboration among the University with foreign universities and other organizations.
  • To give advice on the participation of foreign students in agricultural programs and for studying abroad. 
  • To consult about scholarship and grant opportunities for both students and teachers.
  • To look for training opportunities abroad for University staff.
  • To organize foreign agricultural practices and students` internships.
  • To cooperate with the visa center and consulates of foreign countries in the Russian Federation on consular services.
  • To receive foreign guests in the University :
    • to invite foreign citizens to the University;
    • to register in the FMS of Russia in Perm region and deregister, obtain and extend visas;
    • to work with arriving foreign citizens at the university (meeting, settlement, an organization of work and cultural programs).
  • To translate international documents for university administration from Russian into foreign and from foreign into Russian through IRC employees` help.
  • To organize language courses for different target audience.
  • To collect the information concerning the international activities of the faculties.
  • To present proposals to the leadership of the University about an improvement of the Center’s activity on the basis of analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of various forms of international cooperation.

Phone/Fax: +7 (342) 217-95-43
Address: 614990, Perm, Petropavlovskaia St., 23 E-mail: irc.psaa@gmail.com